Glen Region SCCA, Inc. Board of Directors meeting
December 10, 2000
Watkins Glen Motor Racing Library
PRESENT: RE Tim Meddaugh, Assistant RE Skip Testut, Sec. Dale Terry, Trea.
Rox Brown, Dir. Gina Metcalf, Sandy Nolan. Guest Terri Dobbs
ABSENT: Immed. Past RE Tom Grabowski, Dir. Barry Page, Ed Zebrowski
MINUTES: Of the November 8, 2000 BOD meeting were read. MOTION by Skip Testut, seconded by Rox Brown to accept the minutes. CARRIED
TREASURER’S REPORT: Rox Brown handed out current balance sheet for all present
MOTION by Dale Terry, seconded by Gina Metcalf to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. CARRIED.
ACTIVITIES REPORT: Awards Banquet held Dec. 9. Had an attendance of 80 people
Raffle and 50/50 drawing brought in $183.00. The board of directors from past meeting had decided to double this amount to $366.00, plus $123.00 from donations of t-shirts donated from Tim Meddaugh and Bill Bradshaw on vintage weekend downtown. A MOTION was made to donate a total of $489.00 to the Watkins Glen Motor Racing Library by Gina Metcalf, Seconded by Skip Testut. CARRIED.
CORRESPONDENCE: Information about Spec Miata. Information about Track agreement for 2001. Spot light from Watkins Chamber of Commerce.
OLD BUSINESS: Review of the 2000 calendar committee report. There was discussion about the number of membership meetings, if they should be reduced, where we should hold them, and thoughts of what we could do to draw more people. No changes at present for 2001. See attached calendar. Needs to go to the printer soon.
Tim asked for input for the RE’s report that will go to Denver.
Tim reminded everybody to make sure any outstanding bills get submitted so we can finish the books for 2000.
Tim thanked the 2000 board of directors for all their hard work and support to the region in the past year.
Meeting adjourned at 3:29 PM.
Minutes submitted by Dale Terry,
Glen Region SCCA, Inc. Board of Directors meeting
December 10, 2000
Watkins Glen Motor Racing Library
PRESENT: RE Tim Meddaugh, Asst. RE Skip Testut, Sec. Terri Dobbs, and Treasurer. Rox Brown
Dir. Gina Metcalf, Dale Terry, Sandy Nolan.
ABSENT: Immed. Past RE Tom Grabowski, Dir. Ed Zebrowski
Since this is a transition meeting of 2000 BOD to the 2001 BOD, there is no minutes, treasurer’s report, or membership report to review.
BUDGET: The 2001 budget was reviewed as amended and passed at the annual meeting. The only discussion was about the purchase of two tires instead of four for the van. Ray Oliver and Jim Brown said we only two tires instead of four the back tires will be fine for now.
ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENS: RE Tim Meddaugh presented the following names for the 2001-year. F & C – Dale Terry, Paddock – Bob Carson, Race Medical – John Cartin, Registration – Barbara Luther, Starters – Martin Laux, T & S – Marie Heacox, Budget & Finance – Roger Holman, By-Laws – Bill Bradshaw, Competition Board – Brian Metcalf, Club Historian – William Green, Licensing – Robert Perry, Membership – Betty Page, Merchandise – Pauline Oliver, Property – Dale Terry, Public Relations – Sandra Frank-Nolan, Solo Board Chairman- Michael Taves, Sparkplug – Barbara Luther, Vehicle Administrator – James Brown, Webmaster – Pat Scopletti
MOTION by Skip Testut, seconded by Sandy Nolan to accept all appointments as presented. CARRIED.
NATIONAL CONVENTION: RE Tim Meddaugh handed out info and schedules for the national convention to be held Jan. 31- Feb. 4 in Denver. There was discussion to reaffirm the motion made in the Sept. 2000 BOD meeting that the region cover expenses of the competition board chairman or his representative and the regional executive.
ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: Due to the recent purchase of the region van, transponders, computers, and T&S equipment it was discussed to change back to the accrual system of book keeping instead of the cash system we presently use. This will give us an opportunity to depreciate these items. MOTION by Skip Testut to change back to the accrual system, seconded by Sandy Nolan. CARRIED.
Meeting adjourned at 4:46 PM
Minutes submitted by Terri Dobbs