Glen Region SCCA
BOD Minutes
PRESENT: Regional Executive: Ed Zebrowski; Secretary: Cheryl Boynton;
Treasurer: Lin Hurd; Directors: Joe Atkinson, Ed Hurd, Dale Terry, Skip Testut; Immed Past RE: Barb Luther
ABSENT: Asst. RE: Bob Burns; Activities Director: Sandy Sanders
GUESTS: Marie Heacox, Tim Meddaugh and Ken Pierce
The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm.
MOTION: by Dale Terry, second by Ed Hurd to approve the minutes of the January 2005 BOD meeting. Carried. Correspondence from WDC Region. They are introducing an online registration system. Bob Burns is home and is doing fine, although he cannot drive yet. MEMBERSHIP - No new report has come from Topeka since the last meeting.
MOTION: by Skip Testut, second by Joe Atkinson to approve the Treasurer’s report, as given by Lin Hurd. Carried. ACTIVITIES report- There will be a 5:30 dish to pass meal before the meeting at the FVGMFD on March 26. Old Business - a data base of past award winners is currently being worked on. A check has been sent to cover the cost of the coffee break at the Roundtable. A discussion was held on how SCCA members can get into a race at WGI. Maybe a waiver? Barb will put a notice in the SPARKPLUG with the hours of registration. We will be participating in online registration again this year. MOTION by Barb Luther, second by Dale Terry to pay NESCCA $85 per event for listing our events. Carried. MOTION by Skip Testut, second by Barb Luther to pay up to $100 registration fee for Glen Region members to attend the upcoming Roundtable. Carried. MOTION by Skip Testut, second by Barb Luther to purchase a new T & S display and equip for the solo program, up to $5,500, as explained by Ken Pierce. Carried.
Lou Devillers would like an up to date listing of all inventory. Barb will ask for info through the Sparkplug. The Glen Region received a first place award in the medium-large regions for the SPARKPLUG. WGI contracts and vendor contracts have been received. Vendor agreements from WGI - They want a $100 fee. Contracts are due by 3/1 and the deposit by 4/1 The July Regional will be July 23 & 24 Drivers School Regional and Enduro will be 10/14 - 16. MOTION by Skip Testut, second by Joe Atkinson to approve the following Specialty Administrators for 2005. F& C - Sandy Sanders Grid - Lawrence Emery Paddock - Bob Carson Registration - Barb Luther Scrutineering - Bruce Perry Starters - Marty Laux T & S - Marie Heacox and the following Administrative Appointments: Bud & Fin - Tim Meddaugh Club Historian - William Green Club Property - Ed Hurd Comp Board - Marie Heacox Driver Licensing - Jerry Brown Membership - Cheryl Boynton NYSRRC Rep - Bill Weaver Past RE - Barb Luther Solo Board Chair - Becky Tinker Sparkplug Ed - Barb Luther Vehicle Admin - Jim Brown Web Master - Pat Scopelliti Adjourn at 9:02 pm. In the Spirit of the Sport Cheryl Boynton