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To Glen Region Solo Event Chairs:
This page outlines your responsibilities, and provides you with some
materials you will need.
Outside of rulings over matters of safety, which are the purview of the
Safety Steward, the Event Chair is the most important person in terms of
overall responsibility for the success of an event.
You will have lots of help from others, and more if you ask for it, but you
are calling the shots that day, and must make sure that all the pieces fit
As an outline, consider the following as non-inclusive (because you never
know what might go wrong or come up) list of your responsibilities:
- Plan every detail of the event, working with the
Chief of Sites on procuring the site, and
with the Chief of Course Design/Set up to
establish the course for the day.
- Make sure all insurance sanctions are submitted in time, and any special
requirements of the site owner are documented in writing and met satisfactorily
- Recruit a Safety Steward and, if
necessary, and assistant Safety Steward for the event (an Event Chair may not
also serve as a Safety Steward for that event).
- Oversee all aspects of the event from the earliest start of the day (you
should be there by 8:00 AM). See the Event Chair's Checklist for a complete
list of your responsibilities at the event.
Page |
Acrobat |
Word |
Format |
Text |
Event Chair's Checklist |
Sample site request letter
Download to your PC by right-clicking and selecting "Save
target as". Then open in editor. |
Be a driving force
help convince people to allow Solo events to be held on their
property. |
Sanction form
Sanction form must be submitted on-line to SCCA three weeks in
advance of the event and be back in the event chair's hands (and the site
owner's) in time, and displayed in hard copy at the event. No Sanction form,
no event, no exceptions. |
How to complete sanction form
- Go my.scca.com
- Login to your SCCA member account
- Click on Region Resources dropdown menu
- Click on Sanction events
- Follow these instructions:
- Submit form
Driver's meeting checklist |
Online Audit Instructi0ns |